Part-Time Faculty Statistics

You may have noticed a few new full-time faculty members on your campus this year. Several of these new faculty members were hired as a result of retirements, but some were new positions which your union fought for via grievance. We believe that a strong and steady complement of full-time faculty is critical to the health and continued growth of programs at our campuses.

It appears, however, that management believes otherwise. The numbers below were compiled by Mike Studd (2nd V.P. and Treasurer), and they reveal an ever increasing trend in part-time hires. In total, there were 137 different non-fulltime faculty teaching 994 teaching contact hours last semester. That is the equivalent of at least 60 fulltime faculty members!


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Part-Time Faculty Statistics

You may have noticed a few new full-time faculty members on your campus this year. Several of these new faculty members were hired as a result of retirements, but some were new positions which your union fought for via grievance. We believe that a strong and steady complement of full-time faculty is critical to the health and continued growth of programs at our campuses.

It appears, however, that management believes otherwise. The numbers below were compiled by Mike Studd (2nd V.P. and Treasurer), and they reveal an ever increasing trend in part-time hires. In total, there were 137 different non-fulltime faculty teaching 994 teaching contact hours last semester. That is the equivalent of at least 60 fulltime faculty members!


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