Can full-time faculty work overtime hours?
Our Collective Agreement places restrictions on overtime work for all full-time faculty. Full-time faculty can work limited overtime hours under certain conditions and only with voluntary agreement. For full-time faculty the overtime is restricted to one extra teaching hour, or three extra workload hours/week. The collective agreement also identifies the correct rate of overtime pay.
What about probationary faculty?
For probationary faculty however, the Collective Agreement allows NO overtime work under any circumstances. New probationary faculty have much to deal with in their first two years at the college: all new courses, increasingly onerous professional development requirements, teaching for the first time, learning to navigate the college system etc. The restriction on overtime was put in place to protect them during this vulnerable period.
How does the union monitor for overtime?
All SWFs are reviewed by the union each semester. We note if any faculty are in an over-time situation, ensure that they have signed the voluntary agreement form, and that they have been issued the overtime pay.
For probationary faculty we flag the SWFs who are close to the 44 hour workload maximum. Having a SWF so close to 44 hours is potentially problematic as the SWFs are made up using estimates of student numbers and any increase in actual student numbers could push the probationary faculty into overtime. As many of us know, probationary faculty often feel vulnerable and may not ask for a student number reassessment (or aren’t aware they can) if their class numbers are higher than the SWF estimate.
What can faculty do to address overtime issues?
- Recognize that overtime is voluntary – if you are requested to work overtime – you have the right to refuse.
- If you are close to the weekly maximum of 44 hours, watch your student numbers. If you have more students in your classes than are predicted on your SWF, be sure to ask your supervisor for a reassessment of class sizes after the college audit date (Nov 1st or Mar 1st), then follow up to ensure you get an answer. If your student numbers are up, a new SWF will be issued and if you are over 44 hours, you will receive overtime for the entire semester
Thanks to Audrey Taves, OPSEU Local 562 Chief Steward for allowing us to reprint her article